Sunday, February 14, 2010


I don't really celebrate st. Valentine's.
I mean last year it was all nice, I was in London with my bf, we went to see Benjamin Button, shopped in the largest shopping centre in Europe (Westfield London - yes it is super HUGE) and had a nice dinner in thai restaurant. But it was not like Valentine Valentine.
No flowers, no heart-shaped balloons or chocolate... and I didn't mind.
I don't need a cheesy pink balloon saying "I love you" to make me happy.

This year's Valentine's day Aubrey skyped me asking

"Will you be my Valentine???"

It was so sweet just like Aubrey always is!
So just to make it official - this is my 2010 Valentine - Aubrey, my californian twin.
I love her from the bottom of my heart.
She just is that AWESOME!

And these are some Aubrey's quotes that I just love!
She always makes me smile and laugh even though there's an ocean between us.

"Petra. If you were a boy, I'd forget Petr and marry YOU!!!!! =D
Yes, I love you THAT much!!!!!!!!!"

"Let's be honest, I have the absolute BEST Valentine in the WORLD. Miss Petra Pastirčáková!!! Just look at that girl, so beautiful! I love you Valentine!!!!!!"

"Most recently, I met Petra. In some of the worst moments of my life the past few months, I would get these huge long messages from her pouring her heart out, and encouraging me the way no one else ever has. This girl, will do amazing things in her life. She is my twin sister across the globe. We both love Jesus, love to dance, and… something else. ; )"

(the last one is my favourite)

ILY Aubrey Nelson

Happy Valentine's Day!

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