Friday, October 30, 2009


I don't know where to start. I hardly breathe, my eyes burn and my stomach hurts.

Let’s start from the beginning. Im not going to talk about what a MJ fan I am.You could have seen thousands of people saying „Ive always loved you Michael“ after he died. But honestly… how many of those people loved him when he was called rapist, pedophile,drug addict or jacko wacko??? Think about it.

Anyways… I remember June 25th. It was Thursday. I skipped school that week because of my ear infection but I felt like going out that day. So we hung out with FiHa and 7ish – 8ish pm we decided to get some drink (hot mango juice actually) in the Co Kdyby bar. It was about 9 pm when they played MJs The Earth Song. We all started to talk about him and made fun of Petr because of his „I-am-hanging-in-the-door-screaming-like-Michael-Jackson-and-saving-our-planet“ childhood memory and me and Tyna promised one another that the only thing we need to do until we die is to see him live. What an irony.

Few songs later we decided to go to some open-air party in a village outside the town which was really cool, we had a lot of fun, six people in one car going through the whole town and Tyna driving (right after she got her licence). On our way back around 1am my friend Jirka called me. He sounded pretty lonely while he talked about movie he was watching but I was kinda busy trying to keep my balance in the car so I told him to call me another time. Then we went to Tesco, bought some candies and stuff and just sat outside, played Big Buddy and had fun when suddenly my cell started to ring again (MJs You Rock My World - I love this song). Jirka again. I thought 'why the heck is he calling me at 2 am???' So I picked up and asked „Ok you must be really drunk or really depressed buddy so what's up???“ when he said „Jackson is dead!“. I didnt really understand what he meant so I was like yeah dude youre funny. But then he said I should check out the Internet. I did. I called and texted my closest friends and family. I just couldnt believe it. All of us stopped talking. Dalík went to buy a bottle of Pepsi but we didnt drink it.

We just sat out there and didnt talk just listened to his songs on Tynas iPhone.

She drove us all home around 4am and before I fell asleep I told God „Please tell me this is not true.“ It was.

When my mom told me about a month ago that she bought me those tickets to see that big documentary show I thought „ok… it might be an epic fail, simple hunger after money or it might be an unforgettable experience".

Youll figure.

Well… I sat there at my comfy place in Cinestar. And then it started. Some dancers talking about working with MJ. I knew almost all of them cause those are really the best dancers in the world. And then, the last dancer talking was Misha Gabriel. Oh my gosh I thought. He looks exactly the same as last year when I met him. When I talked to him. When he asked me how does it feel to live in Czechoslovakia and when he gave me his cellphone (t-mob sidekick btw) to save my number there. Just to make it clear it was Street Dance Camp Europe 2008 in Jedovnice Czech Republic. Its one of the most important events in the world of dance. I was so excited about that and I could tell you tons of stories but thats not the point now. Misha Gabriel was one of the biggest stars coming. When I saw him at the first time I couldnt breathe. I just thought „Oh my gosh hes real. The best choreographer in the world is real.“ Yes he was. He came to our table, sat down and we talked.

I found out that even the best choreographer in the world is a real person. Human being just like me. He was actually high and drunk and when I made fun of him he didnt really get it.

And then I see him here on the screen talking about how hes been searching his whole life for something that is worth it. And how this whole experience with MJ is it. „This is it“ he said. The guy I could pretty much have possibly lost my virginity with (I wouldnt be the only one there by the way) was almost crying talking about finding the meaning of his life. Wow.

[me and Misha Gabriel]

[me and Marty Kudelka]

And then it started. First tone. My body started shaking. His face. I stopped breathing. His words. I cried. I just cried. I dont know how to describe it. You really need to see that movie to understand it. Whatever you think about Michael Jackson. Whatever conspirative theory you believe in, that he was a freak sleeping in vacuum casket throwing his own kids out of the window… you have to admit that this man was the KING. And after you watch this movie… you have to admit that he still IS.


First thing I want to talk about is his dance. I think I could say I know a lot about dance. I love to dance, I love to watch other people danicng, I love to learn new routines and I love to make some too. I saw a lots of amazing dancers, the best in the world. They taught me a lot and nobody could ever take that away from me.

MJ had the best dancers behind his back. Those young people are just amazing. You cant really believe that its „just“ a dance what they are doing. They fly. But honestly… they SUCK. The best dancers in the universe SUCK compared to the King.

Imagine 50-year-old skinny man popping, locking, break dancing in the middle of twentysomething hot guys… sounds funny? Yes. Imagine MJ doing that… WONDERFUL. His pop is not just pop. Its an electricity flowing through his whole body. His flow is not just flow. Its a smooth miracle that makes him fly. When he twists it feels like a tornado. I remember my rehearsals before every competition or a show. I sweated. I couldnt breathe. I was so exhausted that I cried. Yes, honestly I cried. But that was nothing compared to what MJ did. All the spot lights, crazy costumes, pressure about media, fans, money. Its not a reahearsal, its a creation.

He doesnt move – he creates the movement. He teaches his dancers and they follow him and adore him just „like in churche“. [MJ’s staff quoted]. Even though it’s not their time on the stage they stand down there and watch him, scream and rejoice.

I love you“ he says. And I know he means it.

Another thing is his music. Its not just a singer were talking about. It’s a musician. He feels every tone and every beat. He feels what is and what is not right and he works hard and repeats again and again until its perfect. And by perfect I mean PERFECT. When he sings you never hear any false tone. Any. He says hes saving his chords and his voice but you couldnt hear that. You can only hear him enjoying every single moment, creating something unbelievably smooth, musical and wonderful. Ive always known that the King of pop is a great singer. But I never knew that he could be a guitar player, drummer or a pianist just as wondeful.


Third thing is the show. All the dancers, vocalists, band, lighting, costumes… WOW.

Its not about him only. Its about the whole world he creates around. Every single song is a different showcase. Every single choreography, background, costume, spot light… it makes you wonder „HOW?“. How is that possible? How is it possible to do that? All those miracles that happens while performing Thriller, The Earth Song, Smooth Criminal, The Way You Make Me Feel, Black Or White or Beat It??? Where did these ideas come from? How is it possible? Is it even possible? Yes it is. Well… it was meant to be.

And the last and the most important thing is MJ himself. According to all those gossips you would expect to see a confused, depressed drug addict whos deffinately not able to work that show out. But what you see is a strong powerful man enjoying everything he creates. Hes having so much fun, laughing, dancing and making jokes.

But what impressed me the most was his humbleness and awe. Everytime he asks for something or he wants to change something it makes you feel „Hey whos that guy? Is that the King???“.

It is not very usual to hear one of the greatest musicians in the world saying „Could you please change that a little? Please? Oh thank you. Thank you very much. You are wonderful. God bless you.

No this is deffinately not the guy we know from the newspapers.

And thats why people love him. He is so special, talented, hard-working, supportive and inspiring. He would do anything for people around him and especially for his fans. He works so hard to make it not just as good as possible but to make it the best. The best show, the best experience in your life. Every move, tone and word inspires you in every single way. And when he makes his speech to the whole crew and says

We are family. Just know that. I love you. know that its not just his tongue but his heart speaking.

I am not going to say what an amazing experience the whole movie was. How inspiring, breathtaking and unbelieveble. I just thought… (ok I do not believe in any conspirative theories, Im sure Elvis is dead and we are not gonna die in 2012)… I just thought he could not die. Not naturally. He was so happy, strong and content. He couldnt wait to see his fans again, to make them listen, sing, dance, cry and smile. Why would God ever wanted him to die? Why in that time, when he was just about to change the whole world, he was just about to give us hope and faith, faith in God, in change and a new beginning??? I dont know. Nobody knows. I just know that the man I saw on the screen was not ready to die. He was not ready to leave his work not finished and his fans waiting.

He wanted to change the world or at least try.

I wonder why he didnt get the chance…

When I heard the first tones of „Man In The Mirror“ I cried so bad. I felt those huge tears pouring down. Tears so hot that my face was almost burning. I have spent hours and hours in front of my mirror trying to make some routine to this song. Its just never been good enough. And when I saw MJ singing

I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways

and dancing his little glassy dance I realized that it will never be good enough.

But I can try. I can try to do something, to take a look at myself and make the change. Ive already started couple months ago but Im not done yet. I want that change to be visible, powerful and amazing. I do want to make the world a better place.

And I believe that this is what he had always wanted to do. To help people realize what a wonderful place this world is, how powerful faith and love is…

I wish he got his chance. But maybe this movie is the chance.

This is the moment. This is it.“

All I can say is – Go. Go watch it!

„Its all for love. El oh vee ee.“

[Michael Jackson, 1958 - 2009]

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