Friday, March 5, 2010

something's NOT missing in my life.

Ok so I've been thinking about a random post.
French conversation class inspired me a lot to finally write this one.
There once was that facebook pick your 5 application that said "5 things that annoy you the most" or something like that.
I published my 5 and immediately people started commenting what a hateful and mean person I am.
But it's not that I would hate people liking and wearing those things it's just that I honestly don't like them (at all) myself . This is not about being hateful or mean this is about expressing my opinion. So do not take it personal if you like or wear something from the list.

1. fake ray bans.
Oh gosh! They're everywhere!!! All different colors, designes, sizes... ick!
(Even worse is the fake Woody Allen-ish fake dioptric version - oh dear it's gross!)
I never had them and I never will. It's like a virus and I'm not risking catching it!

2. Twilight.
Ok... to be honest I saw the first movie this summer. I've always hated the whole mania about it, I don't find the guy hot or cute or anything and I think the girl is just freaking bad actress (sorry girl) but when I stayed at the Clevenger's house and I saw Margaret being all crazy about it, I agreed to watch it with her. It didn't make any sense to me, it was not funny, not even exciting and some of the effects were so not authentic. So please do not ask me if I'm going to see another Twilight movie with you - I am not.

3. fake Crocs.
I never liked Crocs shoes (I thought they looked funny) but when I first put them on after the whole busy day in high-heels I fell in love with them. Whatever you think about Crocs you have to admit they really are unique concerning the comfort.
What I really hate about Crocs is thousands and thousands of fakes. I mean, come on people, save a little money and buy the REAL Crocs. Not only that they are way more comfortable but the quality is just incomparable. My Crocs last forever. What about your fakes???

4. Blair and Chuck wannabe mania.
So I read about 5 Gossip Girl books before there even was a tv show. Then the tv show came in the States and I watched it and I really liked it both, books and the tv show. But then it first came to Slovakia and then Czech and everyone started to think that that is the exact life we all should be living. Come on people.. there's no Blair in real life, not even on the Upper East Side. So don't try to be like her, don't make other people's life a hell just because Blair does on the tv and don't try to transform your boyfriend into Chuck Bass, he's not real. It's all just a tv show, like it or not.

5. piercings.
Never! Never never never!!!
As weird as it is and as crazy as it might sound - I just don't watch HIMYM. I don't think it's funny, I actually think it's sad. Sad that people call it "Better than Friends".. where did we go wrong?

7. fake tan.
No comment. It's just gross. Thank you Lord for my pigmentation.

8. meaningless tattoo.
I really like tattoos and I want to get one as soon as possible. But what I think is that tattoo (as one of the oldest means of expressing yourself - we can also call it fashion) should have its meaning. It feel sorry for those people having stars and chinese letters tattooed all over their bodies.

9. Avatar.
Sorry people, but... no! No way! I hate it. I don't see it being a good movie so why do people call it the best movie ever? They simply stole the Pocahontas story and made it cheesy and all kitschy. I don't get it and I probably never will.

10. Dan Brown's books.
Not getting this mania either. Maybe I'm just a weird person having problem with manias. But I'd rather read something else than conspiracy theories that I could never be able to believe.

Point eleven would be ignorance and self centred people. French conversation classes happen to be very inspiring.

love, Petra.


  1. haha this is funny post, i like it. It is really obvious you don't like mainstream. I have sometimes the same opinions and don't like things that everybody does. I agree with lot of things (Avatar definitely) but I don't with HIMYM (it IS funny:) and Dan Brown. It doesn't have to be true truth but i just can't stop reading his books. It definitely has some writer's know how...
    btw I hope you're doing well:)

  2. I'm not sure if it's about mainstream.. I mean I know what the mainstream is - I love Miley Cyrus!!! :D
    The thing is that I just don't understand what people see in something like Avatar..

    Anywayyys.. Service project is coming! Sad that you're not here, I bet we would work much better together this year :D

  3. yea Avatar had no point, just effects. Nooo, I am gonna miss Service project :( that makes me sad.
